The Mundaneness of Rainy Monday

Meghna Middha
2 min readJan 15, 2022

I can hear Ron memorising the mental maths tables from another room. Romaisa is moulding the playdough into Phyll, the baby flamingo who doesn’t want to eat the same food every day.

As I sit here focusing on the pitter patter of the falling raindrops
I am thinking about how to best utilise these fifteen minutes that I have to myself. I open my Instagram and type this instead.

Being a mother and managing a career has been challenging for both my mental & physical health. But today, I have a feeling that things are finally coming together.

Professionally I have felt my lowest, seen failures, efforts wasted, with no hope of things getting better. I have thought about giving up on my dreams many times. But something pushes me to wake up, gather the pieces and start over.

The thing is, if you are privileged, your struggles always gets concealed somewhere between “you don’t know what real struggles are M”
Well, maybe I don’t!

I believe each one of us is fighting a battle that no one knows nothing about.
Thus, to fight my anxieties and in my quest for my identity, I found several ways that worked as therapeutic for me.

It made me feel better; it made me realise that long term goals will get me nowhere, as being a full-time mother, Things never work as I plan them.

My success currently depends upon these significant fifteen minutes. But, I am assured that slowly I will have twenty, and then maybe even more.

So, little feats need to be celebrated, today needs to be celebrated, that on-time submission deserves an applaud. I understand that self-care should be my utmost priority, so I can take care of the ones I love.

Currently writing my gratitude for good grades and giving time to music, art, and books to heal myself.

Until I get back to the cocoon again, who said metamorphosis was easy, anyway!



Meghna Middha

Literature Doctorate,an avid reader and sometimes a writer. This space is an attempt to chronicle my thoughts through words. It is about Life as I know it!