What is on my child’s plate!
I was a part of a business promotion event where I had first spotted Meenakshi. A young girl passionately explaining to her little audience why switching to organic food was the need of the hour. It was when I had first heard of Advait living. I learnt that there farms are based on regenerative farming principles that is climate conscious and pro-environment. The produce grown is chemical & pesticide-free. She, under Advait was offering some freshly grown produce to the people in Agra.
I had recently started with my daughter’s weaning, and I remember placing my first order with them of Tulsi mala rice, Moong dal, Unsulphured sugar, and mustard oil.
I had never given organic food much thought for I never believe in just labels, and my knowledge of this industry is only limited.
I come from a family where apart from our education and career, the most important topic of discussion was ‘Aaj Khaane mein kya banega?’ I love eating good food and the credit for the same goes to my parents.
Both my parents share a passion for cooking. Sundays were all about our daddy dear’s innovative recipes and some honest reviewing. Mother would never fail to emphasis on the nutritive value of everything that was laid before us. My brothers and myself might not be good cooks today but we know what it means to eat right. We have been brought up that way!
Now that I am a mother, I understand why it was such a debatable topic back then in our house. Now, I know the value of ghar ka makkhan, ghee and gur(Jaggery). Now being a mother myself, I have realised what my mother meant when she said “You would know when you grow up”
Today, I get it when they say that contaminated food has made our bodies vulnerable to various diseases.
During my growing up years I vividly remember, I had never heard of the word organic. My grandmother always made sure to give us fresh meals, and seasonal fruits. It is a privilege I understand this now. She also mentioned every time that the quality of food is deteriorating and she is afraid of the future
Today, 15 years later, I get what she implied. We all are seeking pure, uncontaminated food. No matter how many filters we apply on our skin, personalities, photos, we absolutely do not want our food to be filtered. Today, our beings are deprived of what we call “beauty in its raw form” and I mean that in every sense.
Organic means something that is free of artificial additives.Something that needs no filter.
In the last couple of years, there is a boom in the organic food market. The overuse of Synthetic concoctions and chemicals had deteriorated the nutritive value of food which is leading to adverse effects our well being. Organic food industry is trying to spread awareness and people are being mindful of what they are consuming.
With such demand by the consumers a great space is created for organic market.
Small developing cities are changing, with plantation drives and people switching to sustainable lifestyle.
I am glad that at least we are not blind to the change. Things are moving if not steadily.
I am a mother of two. I am aware of the quality of lifestyle that has degraded from then to now. Like any parent, I also want the best for my kids especially in terms of food. We all know, a healthy plate leads to healthy mind. Its good that today we all are conscious of the geniuses appended to being healthy. People have begun changing to more beneficial nutritional choices.
Reachers and scholars like Meenakshi are coming back to their towns to contribute their knowledge of how the world is developing. With many choices available in the market it is difficult to choose.
I thought to share my experience with Advait for many mothers like me who are seeking the best for their kids, and for individuals who want to switch to home grown products.
And, we all know that a healthy outside starts from a healthy inside.
P.S. This is not a brand promotion post